
Homemade Dance Dance Revolution Mat


It’s been a long winter.  I love taking the kids outdoors, even when it’s cold, but sometimes, it can be fun to play indoors too.  I haven’t acquired a game machine, the kids haven’t expressed much interest in playing video games, but we DID have fun playing a Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) type game at an arcade in hotel we stayed at once.  What would it take to play at home?

Searching around, I came across StepMania, an open-source, DDR type game.  I thought I’d look for a used mat on Craigslist, but when I started researching dance mats, I was surprised to see that many people actually preferred homemade mats over the cheap roll-up mats.

The simplest designs I came across measured the capacitance of the body on aluminium foil to detect steps.  I took a cardboard box from our closet, some sheets of aluminium foil, connected the foil to some resistors, connected to an Arduino.  I covered the aluminium foil with packing tape.  What’s cool with this design is I had everything in the house already, except suitably sized resistors, so the whole thing cost me $1 (plus tax).

Can you tell that it's home made?

There’s an Arduino library (CapSense) that makes measuring capacitance really easy, and I found firmware called “Big Joystick”  that makes the Arduino UNO appear as a regular, USB, HID joystick.  Detecting steps works really well, and the whole thing works flawlessly with Stepmania.

Homemade Dance Pad Demo

What I didn’t get right was the positioning of the pads - it seems harder to get the steps/combinations right than I remember it being at the arcade.  Lisa thinks they are too far apart. But other than that, the sensors work really well.

Lisa and Rachel playing StepMania

I’m trying to think of other applications where a large “switch” like this one would be useful.  With the right configuration, these sensors will also sense proximity - not just touch.

Dance Mat Interface

Download Dance Mat Project Files