Richard Audette's Projects, Problems, Solutions, Articles on Computing and Security

And Now For Something Mildly Different

On October 18th 2023, I migrated this website from WordPress hosted on an AWS EC2 VM, to a static website built with Hugo, now hosted on AWS S3. And this morning (October 21st), I just shut down the VM. I spun up the first version of this VM on February 5th, 2014 - so this setup has served me well for 9 years. It was rebuilt 3 times, starting with Ubuntu 13.04, ending with 20.04. The featured image is a capture of the last time it served up a page.

Enjoying our lemonade: How my team came out ahead from a 4 week outage

I work on a web based product which supports hundreds of thousands of paying subscribers. Our servers were first built out in 2014, before I joined the team. By 2018, our environments were starting to look dated, with some components approaching end of life. I submitted an intake request with our shared-services infrastructure team to modernize it, and assess a move to Azure, but as everything was still supported, and as we had no new requirements, we were unable to make a case, as other lines of business had much more pressing concerns.

Starting rootless containers at boot with Podman

I’m building out a new server at home, and decided to try out Podman instead of Docker for running containers. Everything is a bit different. I wanted some containers to start on boot, as I had previously setup with Docker. I found an article that got me most of the way there, but it was missing a few key things for rootless containers. Here’s how I got a Vaultwarden container I setup, named vaultwarden, booting for user username and group groupname, on an Ubuntu / systemd based system.

Python gps / gpsd KeyError

I have been adding GPS logging to my Bicycle Dashcam. All of the example Python code (eg: https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/gpsd-client-example-code.html) I’ve found online throws this error after about a minute:

Exception has occurred: KeyError'el'File "example2.py", line 12, inwhile 0 == session.read():KeyError: 'el'

I’m not sure if this is a problem unique to my GPS receiver, but it regularly sends data that is not “class”:“TPV” (eg: “class”:“SKY”) - TPV is the data with coordinates, and whenever that happens, all the sample code throws a KeyError.

Creating Generated Video

When I presented my blogging bot here a couple months ago, a friend suggested I try to create generated video content - check out the linked video to see what I’ve been able to do so far:

It’s not quite there - the body movements are random, the eyes aren’t focused on the camera, some of the mouth movements don’t seem to match the face. I’ve added a street scene in the background to make it a bit more interesting.

Introducing Eliza Ng, my generated content sandbox and blogging bot

By Richard Audette, richard@hotelexistence.ca

I’ve created a blogging bot I’ve named Eliza Ng, as a sandbox for playing with generated content and tooling. Check it out!

Mastodon: https://botsin.space/@elizang/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eliza_ng

Who is Eliza Ng?

One of my earliest computing experiences was interacting with a Commodore 64 version of chatbot called Eliza, a psychotherapist chatbot first developed in the mid-1960s at MIT. When I started building my bot persona, I decided to call it Eliza Next Generation, in honour of this early chatbot.